Merry Christmas! (in Jersey)

By Monty Vern

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Jersey visits were usually a bore;

But Christmas at dad’s was all about more;

More presents and candies and all the holiday gore;

Always made home feel desperately poor.

Jersey holiday visits were all about gifting;

Branded sweaters and blue jeans usually Ill fitting;

Gift cards and cash and a wallet too fat for comfortable sitting;

Absolutely nothing homemade with coloured paper or knitting.

While December trips to Jersey did not require visiting the shore;

There were lots of hugs and kisses from strangers pretending to be more;

With laughing and yelling and calling someone a whore;

And often a stiff smacking that left my ass sore.

Returning home from Jersey was always a bit shocking;

So bitter and cold despite the warm gloves from my stocking;

But I was always relieved at escaping the next socking;

For home was with mom and away from the mocking.

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While home was much poorer and with the cupboards a bit bare;

Mom was usually there to provide me loving care;

More often than not, she was  true and fair;

And that is more than I can say for my stepma in Jersey that gave me a scare.

So, in the end it did not matter how many goodies were in my stocking;

My home was with mom and away from the mocking.

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