The Thoughtful Beggar

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The Computer

Written By Jason Drury

I went to a VERY Christian private school. It was so conservative that they didn’t want us to have sex because it might lead to dancing. At one point I literally had the Bible beat into me, for those of you keeping score at home, the Old Testament hurt more. I don’t really know why, I think it’s because of all of those major prophets. Looking back on it, there were definitely dramatic moments that have stuck with me, and I have discussed in therapy, but this one particularly sticks out. 

Every Wednesday we would have what was referred to as chapel. On chapel days for the boys, we had to wear button up shirts and our best clip on ties, the girls had to wear skirts that seemed go past their shoes. 

On occasion we would get special guest speakers that would speak to the student body. We had all kinds of guests. We had Christian speakers, motivational speakers, Christian motivational speakers, and motivational speakers about Christianity. One time we had a gentleman who came and spoke about the benefits about joining and forming a militia. It sounds extreme, but at the time there was a serious worry about the billionaire Ted Turner making work camps for Christians outside Atlanta. From what I hear the summers in Atlanta could be the closest thing to a lake of fire, so, it made…sense..kind of..anyway..

The one chapel service that I really can’t help but to remember is when we had Pastor Tom. I will just call him Pastor Tom, because I don’t want the holy smokes sued out of me. 

Now Pastor Tom was not your average speaker. He had the gift of prophecy. It was as if he had a direct connection to God and his precise plan for people’s futures. If he got a word from God he would call that person on stage. He was like a Christian fortune teller! 

That day he gave his message, which was about something or other, but I don’t think people really paid that much attention. We just wanted for him to get to the good stuff and tell us about the our future! He called up one boy and told him he was going to be a leader in the entertainment industry! He brought up another little girl and told her she was going to Washington and bring politics back to God! It was amazing! Everyone desperately wanted to be picked next, to peer behind the curtain of their destiny. Everyone except for my friend Jimmy. 

Jimmy was a good kid. Sure he was a little socially awkward, and seemed to be the human incarnation of Charlie Brown, but he was nice, and he was my friend. 

Pastor Tom scanned the audience and pointed directly at Jimmy. 

“Come up here young man.”

The color drained from Jimmy’s face. He walked up on the stage with a small sheepish grin. 

“Do you like computers?” Said Pastor Tom looking intensely at Jimmy.  

Jimmy nodded back with hesitation. 

“Well son, you are going to be a titan in the computer industry. You will invent things that will forever change the face of humanity. From these inventions you will gather a vast amount of wealth and you will use that wealth to spread the word of God to all the corners of the earth!”

Jimmy looked wide eyed at Pastor Tom, his mouth slightly agape. Pastor Tom put his hand on his shoulder.

“This is exciting son! Are you excited!?”

Jimmy nodded a quick unsure nod. 

“Hallelujah!” Said Pastor Tom as he jiggled and gyrated to the prophecy. Jimmy walked off the stage and went back to his seat. Kids were giving him high fives and patting him on the back as he sat down. The smile he had went quickly to a blank stare. 

After the service I saw Jimmy at his locker. He seemed to be moving in slow motion and looking directly at nothing. 

“Wow Jimmy! That Was crazy!” 

“Yeah, I guess so..” He mumbled

“What’s wrong? You don’t seem that happy about this.”

“Well,” he responded with a crack in his voice, “my mother doesn’t have that much money, and now I have to buy a computer!” He closed his locker door and walked away with his shoulders slumped. 

Jimmy never bought that computer. He never did anything that involved computer science. He hasn’t changed the face of all humanity, or (from what I know) gathered a vast amount of wealth. He did however go into the ministry and is doing his part in spreading the word of God to all corners of the world. So maybe Pastor Tom was right about that. 

What I have learned from this memory, people will always tell you about God, and what God wants. They can and will do this for the rest of human existence, and they will be right, but only to a certain degree. They can passionately tell you the thoughts of God, and the motivations of God, but they can’t tell you completely about God. This might seem obvious to some, and dangerous, maybe even sacrilegious to others, but it is my truth.  Everyone has their own version of God. Everyone has their own fear, their own trembling , and their own silent discussions. I personally think, anyone who tells you otherwise might have you buy a computer that you really don’t need.